• Top 5 things to boost your immune system: Right now.

    In addition to running to the store for toilet paper and hand sanitizer, people are racing to get their hands on some of these immune system boosters! While our nation is stuck inside for the next month or so, we should all be proactive when it comes to our health. I’ve researched some of the best things to fuel our bodies during this time. Here are some natural remedies that have beenĀ passed down through generationsĀ . I personally have stocked up on all of these; they just make you feel more energized and better all around! Boost your immune system with these tips below.

    In the face of corona virus, doing everything you possibly can to boost your immune system is key.

    • Elderberry Syrup – Elderberries are high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, they have an anti-inflammatory effect on the respiratory system and they have been boosting immunity for hundreds of years. This is something I would invest in during these times! Here is the one I have always used.
    Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

    Ginger– One of my favorite antioxidants. I love ginger because you can eat it raw or make ginger tea. Ginger contains calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and a ton of other vitamins. I personally love simply slicing it up and adding it to some hot water. It’s super nourishing and tastes delicious. Add a cinnamon stick and some honey with lemon for some extra flavor!

    Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

    Raw Garlic– Growing up my family swore by raw garlic as it’s a natural healer. I usually take 3 cloves of garlic and crush them up, swallow it and wash it down with some lemon water or hot ginger tea. Garlic is a powerful antioxidant with antimicrobial, antiviral and antibiotic properties. Although the thought of cooked garlic sounds delicious, one of the benefits of eating raw garlic is the chemical reaction that releases allicin ( a powerful antibacterial that is only present right after you crush it and before being heated up.)

    Greens– Kale, spinach and broccoli are some key ingredients that we need to boost our immune systems. Even if you don’t like the taste you should still find a way to chop them up and add some of your favorite dressing to spice it up a little bit. My favorite thing to spice things up with is Garlic Fluff from Trader Joes, I put it on everything!

    GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP– Getting an adequate amount of sleep is a crucial part of boosting your immune system. We have so much going on in our nation and of course it is a very stressful but try not to lose sleep over it. Boosting your immune system is energy dependent and sleep helps fight off infection.

    Be sure to check out the top 5 things to do while your self-quarantining!


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